you seem tired...
and your blue eyes
are almost shut
on the busy trail
you doze
whilst a heavy head rocks
gently in the sway
you do not disclose
your mystery...
as you awake serene
in your sober city garb
at saint albans
beyond the sound
of the headlong rush
back and forth -
the gush
of the long dark tunnel
or opposing train
heard through the drifting scene...
the gold-brown autumn fields
sparsely peppered with sheep
you do not disclose
your mystery...
as you awake serene
in your sober city garb
at saint albans
your sleep
is hardly interrupted
and your beautiful round face
that of an angel
of some kind
remains unperturbed...
even as the journey draws
to its end
you alone have inspired
these lines
you have fired
a longing to record
you you!
you unknow lady
of this mortal plain
now gone without a word
you do not disclose
your mystery...
as you awake serene
in your sober city garb
at saint albans
and even with your loss
your memory remains
pleasently with me
* young woman seen on the train from london to harpenden
at around 7:00 pm on wednesday, 15th september 1999
der text für diesen song ist dem gedichtband "blue skies in tuscany - poems about live, love and lesser burdock" des britischen autors hugh d. loxdale entnommen. die vertonung von "commuting angel" erfolgte mit freundlicher genehmigung des autors und seiner verlegerin und ist teil eines "set into music"-projekts von michael a. schnase. hugh d. loxdale schrieb dieses gedicht inspiriert von der flüchtigen begegnung mit einer unbekannten jungen frau am 15. september 1999 gegen 7:00 uhr abends auf der zugfahrt von london nach harpenden.